City of Compassion Project

City of Compassion Project


Father's Day Retro Vintage Texture


Father's Day Retro Vintage Texture

The "City of Compassion" project, sponsored by Greater Compassion Community Initiatives, is a community-wide effort to save, preserve, and restore a monumental landmark in the heart of Nashville. This property was previously approved by the Nashville City Council for demolition. However, with your help it can remain a beacon of light in the community.

The Ebenezer A.M.E. church, founded in 1867, is the first African Methodist Episcopal church in Nashville. Its' rich history represents a legacy of freedom, opportunity, and future progress. The nostalgic characteristics of this building is a precious reminder of ancestral struggle, perseverance, and faith. It is a priceless treasure worth preserving!

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Father's Day Retro Vintage Texture

Friends, can we count on you to help us? We are kindly asking family, friends, community, businesses, faith-based organizations, fraternities, sororities, celebrities, athletes, and all who will consider donating to this cause! The kickoff to this fundraiser campaign begins September 1st. Our goal is to raise $300,000 in ninety days!

Our misssion is to preserve the rich legacy and cultural tapestry of our city, and share it's heritage by educating, empowering, and uplifting the community. We further intend to use it for the purpose in which it was originally built and dedicated; "to bring glory to God," as inscribed on the cornerstone of the church.

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Phase 1

  • Acquisition of a permanent Headquarters for the City of Compassion, and Greater Compassion Community Initiatives agency.
  • The revitalization of the church and community for the continuance of serviing uplifting, and providing resources.

City of Compassion Project’s Vision & Objectives

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  • Commuity Food Bank & Distribution
  • Community Closet

(Clothes and shoes)


  • Senior Care & Services
  • Health Screenings Hub
Father's Day Retro Vintage Texture

Why Support Us?

  • Historical Landmark Preservation

  • Community Unity Abroad

Help preserve a historical landmark that holds a piece of our city's identity.

Join hands with fellow citizens to uphold a treasure and piece of history, while promoting a sense of oneness in the community.

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  • Cultural Conservation

Your contributions aid in the conservation of a cherished legacy that will continue to be apart of the community for years to come.

  • Architectual Revival & Restoration

Witness the transformation and restoration of this landmark into a shining beacon of our city's hisory,architecture, and culture

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How Can You Help?

  • Donate

Your generous contributions fuel the restoration efforts, bringing us closer and closer to our goal.

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Share our mission with your friends, famly members, and entire networks

  • Spread the Word
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make a donation


Father's Day Retro Vintage Texture


P.O. Box 1551 Antioch, TN 37011

Shiny Gold Foil Paint Marble Texture

Executive Director

Kelvin R. Davis

Director of Public Relations


Jonathan K. Vincent

Director of Planning & Media Relations

Shiny Gold Foil Paint Marble Texture

John K. Vincent

is the founder and senior pastor of Greater Compassion Ministries Church, and the president of Greater Compassion Community Initiatives 501c3. He has served the community for the past 15 years, working to promote faith, unity, hope, love, and compassion in the spirit of Christ. Amidst very challenging times, he continues to spread a message of inspiration, justice, harmony, and equality, for both the present and future generations.

Tonneshea Austin-Davis

Executive Secretary

Shiny Gold Foil Paint Marble Texture
Shiny Gold Foil Paint Marble Texture